These are my first few worries, since this is something of a first time.
I have never or had never visualized dating someone younger ever.
You know how woman look up while boys look down? Strictly speaking in terms of age and dating maturity.
But its a different thing completely when reversed. Woman restrict themselves so much by assuming older is better I suppose.
I think of it more.. Freely.
I control nothing.
I worry about nothing.
I don't guide.
I live in that moment while both of us are alive.
He can't worry about my job, income, future and I don't pin point his lifestyle, choices, choice of peers.
He is allowed to learn exclusively from his own mistakes while I am only required to console him when the moment has passed and outcome is negative as expected.
I don't want to be... Preachy?!...
I understand I have seen the same things but like a caterpillar still coming out of its cocoon I cannot assist the processes.
Plus it gives me a better idea of the core concept that men just want to be heard.
You cannot offer solutions or criticize, you just need to be present.
I cannot depend on him for my problems and as the state of them in which they lay? I think I'm better off not thinking about them myself.
So that leaves us with lot of room for conversations about other things.
Ideas, likes, dislikes, choices, opinions, conduct while still maintaining subtle respect and openness to disagreement on a vast array of things.
Nothing is fixed.
He might go out to complete hid studies and study further by the end of the year.
We don't know how much we like each other yet.
I have nothing to hide as of now and he has no inquisitiveness in my past but rather what I bring to the table as a personality I project as outcome.
I've come to realize I'm much more calm and patient than I have suspected myself to be in the past...
I'm also much more active.
I say exactly what I feel and don't think twice about manipulating my opinion of tone or manner of communication.
I laugh with all my teeth showing and I bargain with all my anger.
There's no pretense, I know he can be quoted saying - I will not pay an extra 10 rupee to the parking guy or over tip or just hand out money to beggars. I appreciate effort and I will not pretend to be liked.
I can also likewise say about him that if he tripped over a stone he would get up and keep walking without ruining his or others mood about getting hurt too much and additionally he'd pick up the stone and put it in a corner from where no one ever trips over it in the future. Its a very selfless quality.. The quality of the tho engraved thought is very large. Its awesome. Especially when he seeks no credit in doing something to casus a little less in convenience to the world.
Its only clear that we are together. But everything else is normal. He talks about hot girls and even sends flying kisses yo them on his Snapchat which he happens to check far far far more frequently than his WhatsApp. But it isn't bothersome. His intentions and clarity or rather simplicity in thought is on the table.
There are a few ego clashes but they are resolved more lovingly than competitively. Bottom line, there is no score keeping.
There are no orders or mandates.
No unrealistic expectations.
We're both evidently because this situation makes us happy. Happy enough to not just hang out but declare it as a relationship. Where we are both comfortable discovering new things about each other at slow and comfortable paces.