Friday, January 23, 2015

Retarded instances from my life, Part 3

As stupid as it may sound..
I have the habit of talking to my self.
Like a constant dialogue rehearsal.
In my car while I drive,
In the shower,
While working,
While bickering... ...
I do that a lot
And often I realize I'm talking to myself after I've just narrated a dialogue to myself.
I mean
I'm in my late 20's now
Or so I'm getting there.
I wonder if anyone's ever noticed.
I even vernally play out dialogues in my mind which I happen to
I have a thing for contingency plans
Rather I think I should begin stating I'm super naïve.
And so... I over prepare,
And I over plan
I have multiple worst case scenario's and how to possibly come out of them planned out in my head.
Car accidents, to accidentally farting in public, I over think and over plan everything!
It that wasn't enough I