App name: Cater-Ring
What: Supply Demand Module for bidding for leads for catering.
Catering definition: food, decoration, music, staff, other suppliers like for horses, Pandits, venues, their empanelment details, MC's and event manages.
The idea:
- A lots of food and tent catering's are booked each day.
- The market is unorganised.
- Food quality is questionable.
- Quality control is necessary as final outcome is otherwise only dependent on final day outcome.
- Leads to a lot of bad experiences.
- Lot of caterers are also restaurants in the front end.
- Those that are not, only get requests basis their visibility or via word of mouth.
- Often word of mouth can be questionable and fake WOM can be seeded.
- Samples and previously down good work is often neglected to be looked at.
- Rate of per plate is questionable.
- The margins are high in category and lead generation is a task.
- People are dependent on sales teams to tie up for great catered, venue impanelments and availability as per their requirements.
- Users often feel they settle for sub standard catering and decoration due to the time Mis match or the best they know being unavailable.
- Gunda Raaj prevails in the market for pricing of tents. One may charge 100 for the same material and quality thy another may charge 1000.
What to do: create a uber and Zomato type vendor side an user side module and provide both with plethora of leads and services in a single platform. Charge margins for booking and for lead providing.
Measurability: rating system on both user side and vendor side.
Collaborations: on attaining leads vendors are able to use the platform to collaborate for services.
Look - Feel: Something that has look and feel of both Zomato user side and Zomato restaurant side module to be able to be seamlessly interested.
Objective: aim for Zomato, Swiggy or FoodPanda buyout.