- it scared you for the longest time, the thought of us being together.
- you arent good at expressing your feelings
- u already told me you'll act difficult at times, bu it wont mean you wont feel the same about me still
- u are a insecure, posessive guy, and u think you dont let it show :)
- u dont mind lazing around just lying in my lap if that how we spent the day, jus hugging, cuddling with me
- u told me to refer to this note if you ever did anything stupid in the future.
- u love me way too much but thats also by u act stupid
- u get scared easily.. beneath your hard exterior you're a gentle guy..
- you havent really said you love some one.. only two woman before me.. and i am sure if u said it other wise. u didnt mean it as much as you meant it when you said it to me...
- you hate the feeling of being weak
- your worst fear is being cheated..
- the slightest hint of that and you go off running =to satisfy your ego=
- you have trusting issues as well
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