Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The mystery behing re-branding our home grown brand - Kabab Mistri

A lot of experimentation went down before we got our second bands 'Kabab Mistry' to Deli NCR. 

My opinion was that the original logo was powerful in itself, while our agnecy and the husband thouht otherwise. (Men i tell you) 

Hence, started the run to prove ourselves right. 

The idea: Using the orignal logo, and changing to tone of the images and the way text was to be written on it, decided to give the kababs a more international franchise feel. After all that's what you feel, when you hear the brand name. (That maybe you've heard of it before, that there must be a long decades stabding legecy behind the

Uber Eats in India - A local start

Uber Eats - Is it a close possibility in India? 

Uber is doing a great job of branching out its services, using transport as its core service. 
But while it does so, and rapidly across many countries, India remains a challenge. Unlike a lot of markets where the delivery charge is a norm just link packaging charges and service fees, Indian's are at the stage where they expect the delivery if their e-commerce orders (which has now ticketed down to their food orders) to be expected as free of charge. 

Why so? Because with the likes of Zomato, Foodpanda, Quickly, Delivery in the market, competing to make revenue through bulk sales rather than by providing better or upgraded services (ok, ok with Foodpanda express delivery for the lack of other players trying as an exception) where they charge a commission for delivery from the food partner rather than the customer depending on the radius or the distance of the order delivery rather than the size of the order. (really, like what?!) here is a way Uber can enter the urban market for food delivery and make a niche business out of it. 

As news is, Ola is currently in the processes of making its attempt number two doing food delivery where they previously planned on doing custom daily menus basis various locations in the top metro cities (where we're sure their endeavour was to make very large margins by not disclosing the vendors they were using for food - and hence totally overlooking the fact that really guys?.. believe the people would pay for food and not worry or care about where or who it was produced by? You believe Zomato runs out of novelty value, don't you? Bad dog...!)

Any why the hell would anyone pay for the delivery as a proposition anyway? Ok, you will deliver in a car, or an auto or a weather proof safari for all you car, (and customers don't) and then ask them to shell out extra bucks for the service? ITS THE SAME FOOD!

It's ironic really that no one's paying attention to the product they are trying to map their base service (transport) with really. Much rather trying to think from the revenue angle first because ya - someone liked the sound of it. 

There is a niche service in Delhi NCR that no one has had the courtesy to explore. Namely - "My Butler"

What's so great about this service you ask? Their module as managed to crack the entire paying a premium for catering to different food partner orders + distance of delivery or the order mechanics. 
No please, it's not another delivery partner. And no the guys don't show up in butler uniforms to deliver your order (which might I add something anyone who owns a driver outfit from Uber can pull off with an additional pair of cotton gloves!)

My butler is a service that has focuses of delivering food from the niche, Creme de la Creme of Delhi food circle creators and curators. Yes, curators, meaning high-end grocery stores and brands directly that aren't part of the affordable luxury for the middle class Indian. 

Like what you ask? Good question: 
Ever been to a by reservations only restaurant in Delhi which usually has a waiting list of weeks before you get a table? 
Guppi by AI, Le Bistro du parc are such examples. Now imagine craving for their food at work!
No way do they believe in the delivery module, the cutlery, hospitality, and seating is half the experience after all! And the food won't be half as good once packed, parcelled and slightly cold (or so they think). No anyone potentially craving for theri food would mean them having eaten it before, which is no brainer. They carry hearing or cooling bags as required by the nature of your meal, a small but game-changing equipment and they deliver quite quickly.

Now imagine what happens when a person such as a Uber adapts itself to curate such a module? All those places where you previously couldn't go or send someone to pick up food on your behalf, voila! they are accessible! All those places you thought were too far off and couldn't serve you for dinner, despite booking a day in advance, that becomes a reality! Uber Eats could bridge the gap between the what you cannot have and what food delivery can mean.

Now that's an adaption idea worth invensting in and adapating for Indian market. India is deifnatly ready for this. 

Indian Diwali ideas and emotional pegs

Everyone is going to struggle with last minuted ideation for Diwali at work :) Here's some much need help!

Diwali is that time of the year that signifies some of the below key moments (Indian and Abroad) –
1.       Coming together
2.       De-clutter
3.       Lighting up
4.       Gifting
5.       Sweet Diwali
6.       First Diwali away
7.       First Diwali alone
8.       First Diwali together
9.      Green Diwali
10.    Going home for Diwali
11.    Remembering childhood wali Diwali 

Interpretation for the usage of the same –
1.       Diwali is the time of the year when in most Indian homes, the processes of house cleaning begins. As much as it is tedious, it consists of the entire family coming together to clean the house and symbolically sweep negative energy from the house as a family.
2.       This processes is then followed by the lighting of Diya’s to show the way for Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesh to make way into their homes signifying wealth and property. Indian temperament is such that it needs fear based conditioning to get people to de-clutter their homes. i.e.: Laxmi and Ganesha don’t entertain dirty houses, nor do they grace them.
3.       In the same way, Diwali is also a big gifting occasion for Indians, which signifies the arrival of Laxmi and Ganesha to homes.
4.       Diwali is also signifiers of new beginnings and new initiatives. Often celebrated as ‘First Diwali’ post marriage, post having a kid, post young independence (first Diwali alone).
5.       Diwali is also the time of the year when most brand and association with talk about reducing pollution. i.e.:
a.       Air pollution – don’t burst crackers
b.      Noise pollution – don’t burn crackers
c.       Land pollution – garbage and residue post-Diwali crackers
d.      Green initiates – plant a tree this Diwali / clean Diwali for health of kids (lung diseases are most prevalent) (kind of thing medical brands would pick up)
e.      Pet related – due to noise, air during and cracker - garbage post - Diwali
6.       Indians are also known to save slowly throughout the year and buy / invest in new meaningful gifts and things (spend during the Diwali sale period) such as gold, electronics, cars, new furniture etc.  Also famous for association with auspicious new beginnings -  ‘Shubh Aarambh’ and ‘Shubh Labh’ moments. (the kind of thing Cadbury uses)
7.       Similarly Indians abroad also heavily saving up to go home that one time of the year with gifts for loved ones. (kind of thing airline bands would use)
8.       Diwali for adults and grandparents is also associated to remembering the good old days, when they were young and they pulled pranks and celebrated Diwali with their childhood friends.\
a.       Which can be spun off in the direction of revisiting old friends for your aged parents / grandparents to meet with on Diwali. (the kind of thing Google might use) 
b.      Can also be around new beginnings with old friends / Re connecting with old relatives and family members.

Idea pegs for Diwali –

Monday, July 11, 2016

App idea: Tired of being kept in the dark while catering

App name: Cater-Ring 

What: Supply Demand Module for bidding for leads for catering. 
Catering definition: food, decoration, music, staff, other suppliers like for horses, Pandits, venues, their empanelment details, MC's and event manages. 

The idea: 
- A lots of food and tent catering's are booked each day.
- The market is unorganised.
- Food quality is questionable.
- Quality control is necessary as final outcome is otherwise only dependent on final day outcome. 
- Leads to a lot of bad experiences. 
- Lot of caterers are also restaurants in the front end. 
- Those that are not, only get requests basis their visibility or via word of mouth.
- Often word of mouth can be questionable and fake WOM can be seeded. 
- Samples and previously down good work is often neglected to be looked at. 
- Rate of per plate is questionable. 
- The margins are high in category and lead generation is a task. 
- People are dependent on sales teams to tie up for great catered, venue impanelments and availability as per their requirements. 
- Users often feel they settle for sub standard catering and decoration due to the time Mis match or the best they know being unavailable. 
- Gunda Raaj prevails in the market for pricing of tents. One may charge 100 for the same material and quality thy another may charge 1000. 

What to do: create a uber and Zomato type vendor side an user side module and provide both with plethora of leads and services in a single platform. Charge margins for booking and for lead providing. 

Measurability: rating system on both user side and vendor side. 

Collaborations: on attaining leads vendors are able to use the platform to collaborate for services. 

Look - Feel: Something that has look and feel of both Zomato user side and Zomato restaurant side module to be able to be seamlessly interested.

Objective: aim for Zomato, Swiggy or FoodPanda buyout. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Uber Eats in India - A local start

Uber Eats - Is it a close possibility in India? 

Uber is doing a great job of branching out its services, using transport as its core service. 
But while it does so, and rapidly across many countries, India remains a challenge. Unlike a lot of markets where the delivery charge is a norm just link packaging charges and service fees, Indian's are at the stage where they expect the delivery if their e-commerce orders (which has now ticketed down to their food orders) to be expected as free of charge. 

Why so? Because with the likes of Zomato, Foodpanda, Quickly, Delivery in the market, competing to make revenue through bulk sales rather than by providing better or upgraded services (ok, ok with Foodpanda express delivery for the lack of other players trying as an exception) where they charge a commission for delivery from the food partner rather than the customer depending on the radius or the distance of the order delivery rather than the size of the order. (really, like what?!) here is a way Uber can enter the urban market for food delivery and make a niche business out of it. 

As news is, Ola is currently in the processes of making its attempt number two doing food delivery where they previously planned on doing custom daily menus basis various locations in the top metro cities (where we're sure their endeavour was to make very large margins by not disclosing the vendors they were using for food - and hence totally overlooking the fact that really guys?.. believe the people would pay for food and not worry or care about where or who it was produced by? You believe Zomato runs out of novelty value, don't you? Bad dog...!)

Any why the hell would anyone pay for the delivery as a proposition anyway? Ok, you will deliver in a car, or an auto or a weather proof safari for all you car, (and customers don't) and then ask them to shell out extra bucks for the service? ITS THE SAME FOOD!

It's ironic really that no one's paying attention to the product they are trying to map their base service (transport) with really. Much rather trying to think from the revenue angle first because ya - someone liked the sound of it. 

There is a niche service in Delhi NCR that no one has had the courtesy to explore. Namely - "My Butler"

What's so great about this service you ask? Their module as managed to crack the entire paying a premium for catering to different food partner orders + distance of delivery or the order mechanics. 
No please, it's not another delivery partner. And no the guys don't show up in butler uniforms to deliver your order (which might I add something anyone who owns a driver outfit from Uber can pull off with an additional pair of cotton gloves!)

My butler is a service that has focuses of delivering food from the niche, Creme de la Creme of Delhi food circle creators and curators. Yes, curators, meaning high-end grocery stores and brands directly that aren't part of the affordable luxury for the middle class Indian. 

Like what you ask? Good question: 
Ever been to a by reservations only restaurant in Delhi which usually has a waiting list of weeks before you get a table? 
Guppi by AI, Le Bistro du parc are such examples. Now imagine craving for their food at work!
No way do they believe in the delivery module, the cutlery, hospitality, and seating is half the experience after all! And the food won't be half as good once packed, parcelled and slightly cold (or so they think). No anyone potentially craving for theri food would mean them having eaten it before, which is no brainer. They carry hearing or cooling bags as required by the nature of your meal, a small but game-changing equipment and they deliver quite quickly.

Now imagine what happens when a person such as a Uber adapts itself to curate such a module? All those places where you previously couldn't go or send someone to pick up food on your behalf, voila! they are accessible! All those places you thought were too far off and couldn't serve you for dinner, despite booking a day in advance, that becomes a reality! Uber Eats could bridge the gap between the what you cannot have and what food delivery can mean.

Now that's an adaption idea worth invensting in and adapating for Indian market. India is deifnatly ready for this. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Building a new brand image - Gladna Organic Asia

Product catagory: Homemade soaps and bathwash range 
Product packaging: Basic
Target audience: SEC AB, B, Delhi City youth aged 18 to 35
Product pricing: Below INR 60 - INR 200
Product strength: The fragrance 

The challenge: how to you make a non glamarous product range appealing to the young audience in social media to purchase and try when clearly the product themselves are not packaged well enough to appeal to its catagory. 

Reff of brand logo and imagery:

Reff of body wash packaging:

Reff of soaps packaging: 

Created experiential content / social posts, Series 1 - body wash: